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Classic Essentials™- ICE CREAM MAKER
Classic Essentials™- ICE CREAM MAKER
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Classic Essentials™- ICE CREAM MAKER
The super easy process
1, Peel and freeze bananas or any fruits you like.
2, Thaw your frozen fruit (approximately 7-10 minutes) before putting it through your Mashfruits maker.
3, Turn Mashfruits maker on and insert frozen bananas (or your favorite fruits)
4, For flavored ice cream, use frozen fruit with or without bananas, add spices or chocolate. The recipes are endless.
Ice Cream Maker instantly transforms frozen ripe fruit into soft serve ice cream and sorbet to satisfy the sweet tooth without fats, sugars, and artificial flavorings. At the touch of the single power switch, your choice of ingredients are transformed into a smooth, creamy concoction that can be served immediately!
Make a variety of delicious frozen treats using bananas, mangos, avocados, peanut butter, strawberries, blueberries, raspberry, blackberries, passion fruit, cherries, crushed cookies, chocolate chips, sprinkles and more!
All orders are shipped within 2-3 days
All orders are delivered within 5-12 days
Iron proof 30 Day Money Back Guarantee on all orders